Considering Consternations on UAPs: Part 1/3

Welcome back to our parasocial participation in the genre of extraterrestrial activity documenting on Earth. 

What better day than today, July 2, 2023 -- World UFO Day --  to think about the ramifications of neglecting vital information and evidence of extraterrestrial life and its interaction with our planet and solar system. Has the world gone insane? Mayhaps. But extraterrestrials might be living among us already. And if that's the case, then maybe they're good for our cultural developments. Look at Mark, after all.

I come to you now looking mysterious in a coffee shop with live jazz played by a friend -- for whom I have ventured outside the confines of my home on a Friday evening. Never will you catch me working mysteriously in a coffee shop on my own volition. Calling this "work" is also very boneheaded of me. I am also neglecting a live music performance for the sake of what I think is multi-tasking, yet again, because the manosphere hustle bros have gotten to me. Time to fit two days in 24-hours. It's possible if you wake up at 3am every morning, or so I hear. 

This article is about the latest extraterrestrial news, the first of three installments on the topic of latest UFO sightings and what they might mean. I am conceiving this article in handwriting, because once I read that our brain works best when we don't microwave it with a screen. Is it true? 

Firstly, allow me to set my premise here immediately and firmly establish that I am an unbiased source with no political or social agenda: How do I know? No one is paying me to write this, therefore it has no agenda. If you'd like me to further your agenda[s] here on the highly frequented website of The Freako Diva, please contact me at my email address -- available under my profile. No unsolicited messages, serious inquiries only.

As usual, sources are linked in the body of the text.

An article on Newsweek by Aleks Phillips came out on June 28th of this year, focusing on Congressman Mike Gallagher, the U.S. representative for Wisconsin's 8th Congressional district, and his appearance on the Pat McAfee show on Tuesday, June 27. If you are so inclined, you can watch the show here. During this appearance, Gallagher discussed a couple of his theories on the origins of most alien and UFO sightings. Newsweek writes that Gallagher discussed Congress' ongoing investigation of "claims that the government may be in possession of technology not from this world".  Who's surprised?

After watching the show myself, I am delighted to hear mention of the most recent Vegas Incident. Gallagher responds to the question of whether or not we, regular civilians, will be let in on this seemingly well-held secret of extraterrestrial activity soon in the affirmative. An exciting and terrifying prospect. 

Congressman Gallagher discusses the Alien Bill, what he calls a "one stop shop for all UAP reporting". July 2022 saw the establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). AARO is meant to make UAP reports easier to file, especially for people who might be bound legally by NDAs. 

My transcription of Congressman Gallagher's explanation at 2:19 in the video linked above:

So, if somebody has info they think is relevant, if somebody's working in the intelligence community, if someone is working for a defense contractor and they have info related to UAP's, they can report it to AARO -- which is critical. We also tasked AARO with doing a bunch of homework; so, doing a historical report on every incident going back to 1945 -- because again, they couldn't answer basic questions about the Malmstrom Incident. So, AARO owes us a bunch of reports looking through the historical records.

And then most importantly -- and this is absolutely critical -- we created kind of the mother of all whistleblower processes, where if you wanna come forward but you're afraid of being punished or afraid of breaking a what's called a non-disclosure agreement - an NDA - we have a process where you can talk to Congress or you can talk to AARO and say 'hey, I saw this, I saw that, I was part of this program.'    

This legislation has, presumably, opened the floodgates for somewhat anonymous reports related to UAPs. (More info for your consumption.) The rest of the show contains discussion around Congress' interest in UAPs, connecting to the potential explanations for certain UAP reports. Gallagher briefly presents three possible explanations for UAP sightings, two of which are either us coming back from the future or an ancient civilization - coming forward into the future from the past? The third explanation is that these sightings are foreign technological threats -- technology that we not only cannot identify but cannot even explain. The rest of the segment also includes a long discussion on the "impetuous vortex" of Congress. 

It had been my intention to write about the destigmatization of conversations around extraterrestrial activity for a long time now, and I am jumping on the opportunity here since Gallagher discussed it in great detail on this segment. My writing is often interpreted as satire by friends and family, since these are the only people who sometimes read this blog. And I love every single one of you four. And yet you'd think that for someone being satirical, I put in way too much time and effort into reading all this. But you can put in time and effort into something you don't believe in. My intentions are ambiguous, and I do not intend to clarify anything here. However, I believe it is important to consider all information as potentially valuable, even that which is communicated in jest. Is this satire? Prolly not, but maybe; and TikTok has been uninstalled from my phone after permanently altering my brain chemistry for the worse.

Part 2/3 --> HERE

Part 3/3 --> HERE



    1. Why would I tell you when your name is anonymous?

    2. It's only Anonymous because I can't verify my Google account from Nibiru, though Elon is working on expanding Starlink to us.


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