BLOG UPDATE (and history?)!! I'M BACK!


It's been a little under a year!

Super pumped to be back on The Freako Diva grind, mostly because I've made some internal changes and decided that the time has come to really embrace what The Freako Diva was from the beginning. I started The Freako Diva on March 14, 2012 as a side project while in a blog computer class in 8th grade. My school had a blog of its own, which we would write little posts for as part of the class. I wanted to write more and to have TOTAL CONTROL over everything, so I started my own blog called The Freako Diva. I wanted to write about anything that came into my mind, but somehow I planned to incorporate "freaky" into everything. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but my first published article was on March 14, 2012, at 7:54pm, called "The Freaky Life of a Freaky Man, Author of Many Freakin' Good Freaky Stories." I have. thankfully, since reverted this post into my drafts, but as you can tell by the brilliant title, I was sticking to my then chosen brand. The post was about Edgar Allan Poe (super original and quirky of me). 

But my brand of using "freaky" in all the titles ended right where it started. After that, I started writing musical reviews on shows and concerts I would attend, and The Freako Diva became a music blog, with a heavy emphasis on opera because I LOVE OPERA. (And if you know me and didn't know that then you don't really know me.)

Writing reviews was very fun, because I was able to write about how much I loved the performances! When I started high school, I began writing reviews on our high school shows. I don't know if people appreciated those reviews, but I had a lot of fun writing them. It also encouraged me to attend a bunch of performances and I was able to meet a lot of people. All throughout high school I maintained her pretty consistently, and at the end of my senior year I went on a massive writing spree where I attended (or attempted to attend) every single senior showcase I could. 

Then college came along and I managed to keep up the show reviews for a solid three months. But college is harder than high school, as it turns out, and I had less time. After approximately three reviews, I just stopped writing reviews, and The Freako Diva turned into a whatever-I-felt-like blog. 

So now I've got astrology, random history, Santa Cruz historylife advice, miscellaneous, and aliens. (My alien segment posts might seem like satire, but the satire should be taken with a grain of salt of TRUTH.) And of course I still have all my high school reviews up here and the three college reviews here. And a lot of my original music reviews are available as well.

I want to come back to consistently writing on The Freako Diva, this time trying to maintain as many of these new branches as possible (I'm just one person!), but also writing about OPERA again! So BE PREPARED! 

(I also just realized that my blog is a Pisces hehe) 

Upcoming this Wednesday at 1pm, is an article on the latest play I was in in Santa Cruz, so another addition to Santa Cruz History! Stay tuned! 


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