Are Mermaids Real? (Aquarius)

 If you clicked on this, then you must be a creative and free-spirited individual. You like to have fun, have a stubborn personality, and utterly despise it when people try to confine you to a box. You have creative ideas to spare, but no attention span to actually follow through with them. You also like to tan on rocks by the beach and sing. In fact, your singing is so alluring that men cannot resist and plunge to their death, leaving their flotation vessels behind. You, my friend, are a mer an Aquarius. 

It's funny, that Aquarians have aqua in the name, but are an air sign. That must be where all that imposter syndrome comes from. Such tiny discrepancies affect our everyday lives more significantly than we often assume.

If you are an Aquarian, congratulations. 

If not, don't fret! Below are a few tips and tricks on reading your Aquarius friend and getting the heck out before they consume your entire life.

Aquarians are very spontaneous and energetic people, with open minds and hearts. This is a rare commodity nowadays, but this also means that you can't get rid of them simply by doing something weird. It won't turn them off from you, and you might end up doing the opposite of getting them to leave you alone. Like I said before, Aquarians are very energetic people, but with a twist. They stop being energetic when you ask them to do something they don't want to do. My advice to you, is to ask your Aquarian to do you favors until they leave you alone. They're pretty stubborn, so the harder you push, the less the Aquarian will want to do the THING you ask.

If, for whatever reason, you like your Aquarian, then use the above information in reverse. I might think you're insane but you have the right to your opinions, even if one of those is liking Aquarians. By all means!

ADDENDUM: Upon further investigation, I now see that the Aquarian is not a mermaid, but a man holding a pitcher of water. While this may be the outward truth, I think this is a massive misdirect. It was created to divert your attention from the truth -  the truth being that Zodiac Signs control our lives and we cannot escape the clutches of mermaids once we've jumped overboard to be with them.
